I was thinking, it would be nice to have a large gearing to reach high speeds on the flat - whilst also have a low gearing to modulate your speed and to skid. So I thought of doing the following:
Drive side = drive side crank arm and a 48 tooth chain ring + 15 tooth freewheel.
Non-drive side = drive side crank arm and a 42 tooth chain ring + 23 tooth freewheel.
So forward pedaling gives me 48/15 (84.1 G.I.) and back pedaling gives me a 42/23 drive (48 G.I.), making it easier to modulate speed and even skid.
But can anyone think of any problems I have overlooked with this plan.
Short Version
I was thinking, it would be nice to have a large gearing to reach high speeds on the flat - whilst also have a low gearing to modulate your speed and to skid. So I thought of doing the following:
Drive side = drive side crank arm and a 48 tooth chain ring + 15 tooth freewheel.
Non-drive side = drive side crank arm and a 42 tooth chain ring + 23 tooth freewheel.
So forward pedaling gives me 48/15 (84.1 G.I.) and back pedaling gives me a 42/23 drive (48 G.I.), making it easier to modulate speed and even skid.
But can anyone think of any problems I have overlooked with this plan.