I find the BBC coverage pretty good, especially with the red button coverage - at least you can choose which sport to watch.
it's definitely better than the aussie channel 7 coverage, which according to my mates at home consists of endless montages of days-old swimming results, plus a bit of gymnastics sandwiched between ad breaks. almost nothing is live, and if there's no aussie winning a medal then it's just not getting shown. they have no multi-channel or web streaming. sounds completely shit.
apart from the unavoidable jingoism i reckon the beeb coverage has been pretty ace.
I find the BBC coverage pretty good, especially with the red button coverage - at least you can choose which sport to watch.
it's definitely better than the aussie channel 7 coverage, which according to my mates at home consists of endless montages of days-old swimming results, plus a bit of gymnastics sandwiched between ad breaks. almost nothing is live, and if there's no aussie winning a medal then it's just not getting shown. they have no multi-channel or web streaming. sounds completely shit.
apart from the unavoidable jingoism i reckon the beeb coverage has been pretty ace.