thought i'd dig up this old thread up having thouroughly shamed myself by stopping for a breather 3/4 of the way up highgate west hill in the the pissing rain last night. FAIL.
i felt like a total loser but i just couldn't will myself to get up the fucking thing. i was pulling the bartaps off with the effort but no joy. had no idea i was so weak and puny.
on the plus side (having given up trying to find a western passage back to kilburn from highgate) the skiddy fun in the wet on the way back down was almost worth the climb.
will definitely be having regular runs at it now i've started swimming at the parlimant hill lido.
thought i'd dig up this old thread up having thouroughly shamed myself by stopping for a breather 3/4 of the way up highgate west hill in the the pissing rain last night. FAIL.
i felt like a total loser but i just couldn't will myself to get up the fucking thing. i was pulling the bartaps off with the effort but no joy. had no idea i was so weak and puny.
on the plus side (having given up trying to find a western passage back to kilburn from highgate) the skiddy fun in the wet on the way back down was almost worth the climb.
will definitely be having regular runs at it now i've started swimming at the parlimant hill lido.