to stop my eyes watering in the cold air, or when I'm doing more than 40mph downhill.
to protect my eyes from particles, insects, or grit thrown up by traffic. There are cases of lost eyesight amongst cyclists, and I know someone who suffered pretty severe ocular trauma out on the road.
to enhance contrast so that I've got more chance of making out road irregularities at speed in suspect/changeable light coditions.
to stop me squinting, or my eyes drying out, giving me pensioner's eyes in my boyish face :p
I s'pose it could turn into one of those helmet debate type threads...
What tint is best rose, yellow or clear
I want some for the above reasons but I also kinda want to see where I am going
What tint is best rose, yellow or clear
I want some for the above reasons but I also kinda want to see where I am going