Well I've got some Aliums so no adjustment anyway.
I've flipped the wheel round & will be venturing out for the first go at fixed fairly soon. Ah working from home ;-)
The main worry I have is the unclipping with the pedals still spinning, any tips on the knack for this?
I went out last night SS, first time with the cleats on this bike & the saddle a bit lower. Felt SO much better than the straps that came with the Lankster. Almost no bouncing in the seat as well, perhaps due to being in Portsmouth rather than struggling up the Yorkshire hills. Or a combination of better saddle height/clips & thinking more about pedalling.
I'll let you know if I've fallen off very soon.
Went for a very quick bumble round the block. Good things: Did not use my face to stop with, managed to unclip without falling off.
Bad things: Am tragically pleased that I didn't fall off, even the few minutes fixed were fun.
Other bad thing: I have to do some work now & not feck around on the bike.
Well I've got some Aliums so no adjustment anyway.
I've flipped the wheel round & will be venturing out for the first go at fixed fairly soon. Ah working from home ;-)
The main worry I have is the unclipping with the pedals still spinning, any tips on the knack for this?
I went out last night SS, first time with the cleats on this bike & the saddle a bit lower. Felt SO much better than the straps that came with the Lankster. Almost no bouncing in the seat as well, perhaps due to being in Portsmouth rather than struggling up the Yorkshire hills. Or a combination of better saddle height/clips & thinking more about pedalling.
I'll let you know if I've fallen off very soon.
Went for a very quick bumble round the block. Good things: Did not use my face to stop with, managed to unclip without falling off.
Bad things: Am tragically pleased that I didn't fall off, even the few minutes fixed were fun.
Other bad thing: I have to do some work now & not feck around on the bike.