• Pah - just do footjam nosepicks. It's what all the cool kids do. Always made me wonder why - if you're going to do front wheel stuff just get a brake - how much more skillful is it supposed to be ramming your foot against the tyre to stop?

    Not that I can nose pick at all consistently but I find a foot jam is easier to "pop" back out of but you can loose your toe nail if you mess up and it's still alot harder to do many thing without a front brake.

    I'm shit but I had just about learnt how to do 360 endo / nose wheelie on a flat bank with a brake and they felt well nice so thats what I want it for, stuff like that. I only play at BMX after all.

    Though all the front brake doubters should check out Rob Ridge. Makes me want to get a free coaster too.

    YouTube - Rob Ridge
