• #27
Hey, I'm also on the look out for some tall bike building action. I've been talking to some of the people at 56a and there's rumours of a few people wanting to get into some whack bike cutting and welding. 56a is a bit tight on space for ongoing projects though, hopefully I'll be moving into a space in New Cross within a few weeks, and we've already got our hands on a welder / grinders / plasma cutter, so once I'm in I'll shout and maybe we can learn from our mistakes together? Then let the jousting commence...
• #28
I'd love to build something like this...
• #29
jaywire that sounds perfect! it seems like it will be a little bit of a race to see ho comes to cm with one first...
• #30
Lance Armstrong rides a tall bike - normal people acting all rad.
via bikesnobnyc - http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/2008/01/apoca-watch-update-retirees-on-tall.html -
• #31
Ha. Bikesnob.
"If you're unfamiliar with tall bikes, they are essentially two really crappy frames welded together to create one extremely crappy bike,"
• #32
nice, just tell what times best.
• #33
sorry, meant to whisper that.
• #34
not a tall bike but my creation non-the-less -
• #35
Tall trike?
• #36
(i know this was a while ago but...) i'm wondering if people are still keen on making and riding and jousting tallbikes. I used to play with these freakbikers in oz - http://lalenguadelfuego.blogspot.com/ and I've built a few talls and actually have two here in london. I am surprised more of this isn't happening here. so lemme know.....
• #37
Did somebody say jousting?
ridiculously fun