Object do you say things often to get attention, i dont think half your statements prove your worth.
Not that i'm trying to offend you but, you seem like a really intelligent guy who has a lot to say about a lot of things... ie you are strongly opinionated and that opinion is respected. Me as a forum newbie can respect what you have to say.... because you have experience, sorry (not that you know me)... but dont dumb yourself down.
Come down to one of the drink events. Attention isn't something that I find hard to come by as I'm a very opinionated person, prone to ranting and frankly just fucking loud. As for "dumbing down", I don't believe life is worth living if you're not able to take the piss out of everything (especially yourself) and keep pushing yourself to higher and more extremem experience. It's not dumbing down, it's just letting go of all of the seriousness that people get so tied up in.