Object do you say things often to get attention, i dont think half your statements prove your worth.
Not that i'm trying to offend you but, you seem like a really intelligent guy who has a lot to say about a lot of things... ie you are strongly opinionated and that opinion is respected. Me as a forum newbie can respect what you have to say.... because you have experience, sorry (not that you know me)... but dont dumb yourself down.
and thanks i have already found myself welcomed by you... and i look forward to the banter and criticisms as they come, from my silly posts.
Object do you say things often to get attention, i dont think half your statements prove your worth.
Not that i'm trying to offend you but, you seem like a really intelligent guy who has a lot to say about a lot of things... ie you are strongly opinionated and that opinion is respected. Me as a forum newbie can respect what you have to say.... because you have experience, sorry (not that you know me)... but dont dumb yourself down.
and thanks i have already found myself welcomed by you... and i look forward to the banter and criticisms as they come, from my silly posts.