Dunno about that, used to cycles with a helmet, cars seemed to drive nearer me, doesn't take care on the road, etc. but for some odd reason they give me more space if I don't wear a helmet, hence the idea of a bright red hoodie with 'DEAF' written on the back, so they know i won't be able to hear incoming car from behind.
I find cars treat me much better on the road if I have a helmet, and lights. I think it kind of shows that your doing everything 'properly' and being as safe as possible. Which pressures drivers to behave properly too.
If drivers see someone in the dark with no lights for example, they think 'look at that cunt with no lights' and feel obliged to show them the road is a dangerous place.
When I try to ride my BMX on the road, its impossible to do any roundabout etc. Drivers treat you like some stupid kid that shouldnt be there, you get no respect at all.
I find cars treat me much better on the road if I have a helmet, and lights. I think it kind of shows that your doing everything 'properly' and being as safe as possible. Which pressures drivers to behave properly too.
If drivers see someone in the dark with no lights for example, they think 'look at that cunt with no lights' and feel obliged to show them the road is a dangerous place.
When I try to ride my BMX on the road, its impossible to do any roundabout etc. Drivers treat you like some stupid kid that shouldnt be there, you get no respect at all.