right, was putting this off for ages but have now decided to put myself on the waiting list. 7 months is plenty of time to put enough money aside.
Only problem is, the Theo or the Archie? I would use it pretty much every day for all sorts so need a good bit of room for the odd big shop and such. So I don't want to opt for the Theo only to think 'if only I'd gone for the Archie' if you know what I mean. Do you reckon the Theo would be big enough for me? Easy enough to say 'just go big' but will I end up just getting lost inside such a big bag? Stupid musings I know but if I'm making such an investment I'd like to get it right.
right, was putting this off for ages but have now decided to put myself on the waiting list. 7 months is plenty of time to put enough money aside.
Only problem is, the Theo or the Archie? I would use it pretty much every day for all sorts so need a good bit of room for the odd big shop and such. So I don't want to opt for the Theo only to think 'if only I'd gone for the Archie' if you know what I mean. Do you reckon the Theo would be big enough for me? Easy enough to say 'just go big' but will I end up just getting lost inside such a big bag? Stupid musings I know but if I'm making such an investment I'd like to get it right.