Anyway, we've got a fair selection of people willing to play tunes on the day, but I was wondering whether anyone fancied a bit of Six Foot Stereo, **bring your five favourite records **action? Vinyl and Ipod only.
I don't think the djs at the moment cover the beautiful and wide spectrum of musical tastes held by this forum. I realised this when I had insufficient rock / metal to please the masses last week.
Shenanigans JimJams, shenanigans.
Anyway, we've got a fair selection of people willing to play tunes on the day, but I was wondering whether anyone fancied a bit of Six Foot Stereo, **bring your five favourite records **action? Vinyl and Ipod only.
I don't think the djs at the moment cover the beautiful and wide spectrum of musical tastes held by this forum. I realised this when I had insufficient rock / metal to please the masses last week.