nice one clintsmoker. and hippy for sticking it in the calendar.
i have spoken to a few people about this so reckon on a few more getting along.
note. this ain't one for you first go at trying riding fixed in the hills. at a minimum you need to at least be able to get yourself up HHW without having to stop at the top for 20 minutes praying for your lungs to come back. having said that as long as you are happy to dose up on a bit of HTFU you will love this ride.
nice one clintsmoker. and hippy for sticking it in the calendar.
i have spoken to a few people about this so reckon on a few more getting along.
note. this ain't one for you first go at trying riding fixed in the hills. at a minimum you need to at least be able to get yourself up HHW without having to stop at the top for 20 minutes praying for your lungs to come back. having said that as long as you are happy to dose up on a bit of HTFU you will love this ride.
will put up map later.