the frame is small - I'll get it down from the loft and have a measure. I was going to build it up as a s/s for my wife but she's not bothered so it's been in the loft since.
The shifters are at work. I'll get pics on Monday for you - I think they're 8spd - kind of a lighter grey with blue(?) rather than the current 10spd/9spd dark grey/black colour scheme
the frame is small - I'll get it down from the loft and have a measure. I was going to build it up as a s/s for my wife but she's not bothered so it's been in the loft since.
The shifters are at work. I'll get pics on Monday for you - I think they're 8spd - kind of a lighter grey with blue(?) rather than the current 10spd/9spd dark grey/black colour scheme