weather looks like it's going to hold - according to the BBC, and they're always right about everything most of the time - so should be a nice evening for a ride.
I'll be on my stealthy black pony wearing a red jersey, probably looking a bit dozy until I get to the pub, and then I'll look excitable and tall. Say hello if you're coming along, be nice to put some faces to names/psuedonyms. Oh, hi Jacqui, be good to see you (and Cuppa T in tow!) - it's Graeme here from the HQ.
howdy all,
weather looks like it's going to hold - according to the BBC, and they're always right about everything most of the time - so should be a nice evening for a ride.
I'll be on my stealthy black pony wearing a red jersey, probably looking a bit dozy until I get to the pub, and then I'll look excitable and tall. Say hello if you're coming along, be nice to put some faces to names/psuedonyms. Oh, hi Jacqui, be good to see you (and Cuppa T in tow!) - it's Graeme here from the HQ.