• is it just cos we're involved in a good network or this is happening with increasing frequency?

    Bill - seriously, is this getting worse from your experence?

    In my direct experience, I am hearing a lot more about this types of collisions than 10 years ago. But then I did spend a lot of time trying to find out about them and also trying to raise the profile (IYSWIM) of this type of collision.

    Partly because we are 100 times better networked than 5, never mind 10, years ago, we hear a lot more about it generally.

    But looking at the stats, as I have done, the trend is definitely down. Not as fast as I would like, but definitely down.

    There's a link from Moving Target to an early 90s report by a Dr at one of London medical schools which is a study of the risks to cyclists from HGVs - if you wanted to make a comparison there are so many stats it makes your head spin.
