• #2
take out the b/b, turn upside down soak in loads wd40 leave over night.
wiggle out in the morning
get a 27mm seatpost :) -
• #3
Brute force. A vice helps.
• #4
gezzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!pls tell me theirs another way???
• #5
brute force is my style, but i aint got a vice
• #6
(sorry.) -
• #7
Scaffolding pipe over the tip of the saddle then turn from side to side. It's all about leverage...
• #8
you got it in, you can get it out.
• #9
don't put a 27.2 post in a 27.0 hole
• #10
Ur Quick
• #11
I think this is why my frame failed....
(blame-shift initiated) -
• #12
its a 27.2 hole...
• #13
Can't be a 27.2 post then, can it?
• #14
Just be thankful it's not a rusted in one, took me a month of buggering about to get mine out!
Soaking's your best bet/ -
• #15
the dude i brought the frame of said it was...to be honest i dnt think it is
• #16
^TOP TIP ^When you do get it out remember to refit it with a reverse shim...
• #17
the dude i brought the frame of said it was...to be honest i dnt think it is
never assume, otherwise you make an ass out of u and me! -
• #18
Noticed Aldi where selling vernier callipers the other day for a few quid. Should be in everyone's tool kit.
• #19
Last ditch attempt; try cooling one then heating the other. This works better assuming seat post is alu and frame is steel. Pour a kettle full of boiling water over frame and get someone else to pour cold water over post. This is how industrial bearings are shifted, so might work on the frame, i admit it didnt last time i tried, but that seat post had been in there 20 years sans lube. It can work instantly, but worry not if it doesnt, as steel cools slower than alu so it can still release while cooling. hope it works. I had to cut top of seat post and burr the post out from the inside. Not fun.
• #20
Oh yeah, when doing this, bang it in a vice or secure the seat post somehow, and twist like fook.
• #21
its OUT,, filled it with oil...... thanks for the pointers..
• #22
Drill hole through the seatpost. Stick long allen key through the hole, twist like mad and pull up.
• #23
Next time use an inveerse shim mate:
https://www.londonfgss.com/thread7789.html -
• #24
^^ +1 always carry one in your spare's pot you never know when you might need it. has to e the most useful tool going. and they do them in different colours these days. just remember the colours are inverted to so when you order it black is white gold is silver blue is red etc.
guys!!! jus got a 27.2 seat post, tried fitting it, but the bitch got proper suck in the frame.. any tips to the sucker out?