I wouldn't worry too much about one language over another. Programming languages come and go. When I graduated, C was the must-have skill, then it was C++, then Java etc, etc, Visual Basic was very big for a while as well. If you understand how computers work, and how OO works, then you should be able to move from one language to another.
I don't cut code any more, but I hire a lot of programmers, mostly C# and Java, but also C and Cobol. Programming languages are the easy part of hiring a developer, you can establish with a few questions and a technical test whether someone knows a language. The decider when I hire someone are things like understanding how projects work, release management, change control - stuff that university courses tend to be very light on. The other big thing is team working - there is no shortage of prima donna's in the programming world, and they can be really disruptive.
The final thing that can set you apart as a developer is testing skills. Most developers are very amateurish at testing. Understanding test strategies, phasing and techniques is far more rare than you would think.
I wouldn't worry too much about one language over another. Programming languages come and go. When I graduated, C was the must-have skill, then it was C++, then Java etc, etc, Visual Basic was very big for a while as well. If you understand how computers work, and how OO works, then you should be able to move from one language to another.
I don't cut code any more, but I hire a lot of programmers, mostly C# and Java, but also C and Cobol. Programming languages are the easy part of hiring a developer, you can establish with a few questions and a technical test whether someone knows a language. The decider when I hire someone are things like understanding how projects work, release management, change control - stuff that university courses tend to be very light on. The other big thing is team working - there is no shortage of prima donna's in the programming world, and they can be really disruptive.
The final thing that can set you apart as a developer is testing skills. Most developers are very amateurish at testing. Understanding test strategies, phasing and techniques is far more rare than you would think.