Remember to wear your backpack against your chest. Not only keeping valuables insight and away from those dirty thieves, also doubling as a stab vest. For Stockwell: The first thing to purchase in London is CS spray or a taser device: head to Soho, under the cover of dark.
Hmm, do remember that we have this thing here in the states called the "second amendment of the constitution." It allows lots of stupid people to buy lots of guns. I'll just be glad to ride through a big city and not have to worry about being shot at. I think more people get killed crashing into cars on their bicycles in Atlanta than who get knifed in London. Oh yeah, and speaking of murder rates, I grew up in DC. If I don't carry pepper spray/a taser in DC, Atlanta, or Chicago, is it really necessary in London? I know I'm going to stick out a good bit and be a tourist and all. But I'm hoping I can pass a little bit as long as I keep my mouth shut. :-P
Hmm, do remember that we have this thing here in the states called the "second amendment of the constitution." It allows lots of stupid people to buy lots of guns. I'll just be glad to ride through a big city and not have to worry about being shot at. I think more people get killed crashing into cars on their bicycles in Atlanta than who get knifed in London. Oh yeah, and speaking of murder rates, I grew up in DC. If I don't carry pepper spray/a taser in DC, Atlanta, or Chicago, is it really necessary in London? I know I'm going to stick out a good bit and be a tourist and all. But I'm hoping I can pass a little bit as long as I keep my mouth shut. :-P