I've been out of cycling for years, for most of those years i've sat infront of my PC getting fatter and doing ......well.... what most people do on a PC, plus being a smoker (been quit now for 3 1/2 weeks), i'm not kidding here, my trip home the other day was just plain misery i seriously thought i was gonna die, Just thought a 3 speed might help a little plus you still get a cleanish look to the bike.
I've been out of cycling for years, for most of those years i've sat infront of my PC getting fatter and doing ......well.... what most people do on a PC, plus being a smoker (been quit now for 3 1/2 weeks), i'm not kidding here, my trip home the other day was just plain misery i seriously thought i was gonna die, Just thought a 3 speed might help a little plus you still get a cleanish look to the bike.