Maybe some Peds or C+ Forummongers have infiltrated this online den of in-equality and bike love to rile these here good riders. The crazy internet and its global reach of nut jobs!
HF – If you are for real, you got spunk. Hats off!. Let’s see you at one of the drinks or CM ce soir (that’s Israeli for clear air..kidding) if you are an alter ego I would recommend giving up your previous life and living for real as HF, its clearly more interesting
Jacqui you are a beacon of sense dude.
this shits fucked up man.
Maybe some Peds or C+ Forummongers have infiltrated this online den of in-equality and bike love to rile these here good riders. The crazy internet and its global reach of nut jobs!
HF – If you are for real, you got spunk. Hats off!. Let’s see you at one of the drinks or CM ce soir (that’s Israeli for clear air..kidding) if you are an alter ego I would recommend giving up your previous life and living for real as HF, its clearly more interesting