that's terrible, get well soon Mary. Make sure the scaphoid's checked out, the most likely bone to break when landing on your hand and due to it's blood supply can cause complications if a break is not noticed. Broke mine before last christmas, didn't realise for 3 weeks, was told by a number of doctor friends I was lucky it didn't go bad.
I hope he gets pulled across the board for this, clearly his fault. I hope he's not a police driver, wouldn't want someone likely to do that to be in control of something with blues and twos.
that's terrible, get well soon Mary. Make sure the scaphoid's checked out, the most likely bone to break when landing on your hand and due to it's blood supply can cause complications if a break is not noticed. Broke mine before last christmas, didn't realise for 3 weeks, was told by a number of doctor friends I was lucky it didn't go bad.
I hope he gets pulled across the board for this, clearly his fault. I hope he's not a police driver, wouldn't want someone likely to do that to be in control of something with blues and twos.