• #77
peel off every second letter, then you will get a nice balance between grafix and no-grafix. Then ride.
• #78
graphic not graphix
same bike, twenty threads.
• #79
Will do, I am learning as I go here...
trying to do it like you guys like it. Then I hope you take me serious too...
that's what your mum said!
• #80
The apostrophe denotes an abbreviation.
The confusion often comes in the genititve case (old english added an extra e, which we no longer pronounce, and have therefore abbreviated - hence the apostrophe). So what in olden times used to be 'Jameses' became James's (or for ease, James').
So just think - is there a letter / letters missing? If so use an apostrophe. If not don't.
justMouse you are way out of line here. Way out of line. Where's the possessive dude? That's where most of the trouble starts.
• #81
justMouse you are way out of line here. Way out of line. Where's the possessive dude? That's where most of the trouble starts.
Genitive = possessive case.(Kids today, grr, Daily Mail Island etc).
• #82
oh right...fair enough..
..I thought you had identified a different one you see when you spelt it genititve.........
only being silly at all times
• #83
Hey this is grammar class. Typing pool is down the hall...
• #84
ok great, doing a HND in pedantry at the moment so both apply..
• #85
ok great, doing a HND in pedantry at the moment so both apply..
Surely that's 'an HND in pedantry'?PWNED.
• #86
• #87
I got revenge neg rep from "finsbury pete" for saying I gave neg rep to cruise on this thread! Boo!
Ack! That was supposed to be postitive! Clearly I'm an idiot and I apologise...
• #88
are we still debating this puppy killing depravity?!? bin it and start with a decent frame
• #89
graphic not graphix.
Actually, I believe it really should be "decals"...
• #90
Get the peddals, then your build will be complete and you can learn to let go, start a new project and move on.
Nothing worse than seeing someone get completely stuck tinkering with the finished. The stickers are ace, your friend is wrong, your one step away from being finished and being able to ride without worrying if your bike is right or not.
• #91
true true - and then if I understand the responses vibe right, it'll be cruz's bike off our hands and off our threads and everyone will be a little less crotchety. And cruz will stop coming across like an applicant for Big Brother..
• #92
true true - and then if I understand the responses vibe right, it'll be cruz's bike off our hands and off our threads and everyone will be a little less crotchety. And cruz will stop coming across like an applicant for Big Brother..
Yeah like I was the one that started the bullshit...
• #93
OK, one more pic and then I'm outa' here... ;-)
• #95
good choice of pedal. did you get two?
• #96
good choice of pedal. did you get two?
Do I need two?
For Fuck's Sake stop whoring out your new damn bike.