• I've been avoiding saying this, but filming a short film in the next month or so, and it looks like one of the shoot days will be at carnival during the august bank holiday weekend. Which just so happens to be the weekend I put down for this jaunt. I didn't realise at the time that the bank holiday weekend is the last monday in august, rather than the last weekend in august. So I'm not going to be able to do that weekend. Which makes me one of the weasley last minute bailers I was railing against earlier, and is even worse since I'm the muppet thats supposed to be organising this.

    So alternative is we rearrange for the following weekend, the 29th-31st, or the first weekend in september, 5th -7th. Or the strong amongst you who haven't bailed like my good self, go on the thread date 22nd-24th.

    m-xl, the idea only dies a death if no one goes, if you go the idea lives. I am still up for this, just now can't do that weekend.
    Haven't heard back from any of the bods who wanted to ride the whole thing, might be worth pm'ing them to see if they are still up for it and want to meet you there.

    Otherwise whats the dilli O! Whose in and whose out? Date change or not?
