From my experience Bus Drivers are generally very considerate of cyclists. I'd assume they're more pissed off with idiots drivers parking in the bus stop bay, etc. They're more patient than Taxi drivers for example, they don't get paid by the passenger or have anywhere to get to (relatively) quickly.
I have noticed that very few indicate when pulling out of bus stops though, which is annoying - We can't tell if there are still people getting on and by the time you start to overtake there's a fair distance to cover before you clear the bus. Meanwhile he starts pulling out...eeek
From my experience Bus Drivers are generally very considerate of cyclists. I'd assume they're more pissed off with idiots drivers parking in the bus stop bay, etc. They're more patient than Taxi drivers for example, they don't get paid by the passenger or have anywhere to get to (relatively) quickly.
I have noticed that very few indicate when pulling out of bus stops though, which is annoying - We can't tell if there are still people getting on and by the time you start to overtake there's a fair distance to cover before you clear the bus. Meanwhile he starts pulling out...eeek