• #2
Car/Bus manufacturers should invent a two-tone horn that can give a nice beep and an angry beep.
My default reaction to someone beeping at me is to slow down and move further from the curb. -
• #3
I think they should build some sort of system into vehicles that if you sound your horn for more than 5 seconds all the doors fall off like a clowns car.
• #4
Hmm, they could just be doing it to let you know that they're there. Aren't a lot of engines at the back of buses now, which means you can't hear them? Could be why.
My default reaction to someone beeping at me is to slow down and move further from the curb.
Me too. A second toot usually results in me throwing a cheerful smile at them, or if I'm in a bad mood a load of abuse.
• #5
Either that or a 1000 ton anvil that drops from space.
• #6
maybe the bus think it's a bike in a velodomes.
• #7
Either that or a 1000 ton anvil that drops from space.
ha ....I sometimes wish I had a box of acme black holes.
• #8
funny you should say that, i got beeped at yesterday.
• #9
One beeped at me the other day to warn me that some woman was about to mow me down by cutting across two lanes of traffic to turn left.
Rather considerate, I thought.
• #10
My default reaction to someone beeping at me is to slow down and move further from the curb.
i also do this when i look over my shoulder and a car behind me is turning left. -
• #11
ACME had a great stock, just an inept marketing operative.
The Coyote should have just ordered pizza, obviously had enough money.
• #12
ha ....I sometimes wish I had a box of acme black holes.
I'll just take a Lazy Gun please.
• #13
I'll believe bus drivers are considerate when they stop overtaking me JUST before they pull into a bus stop.
• #14
I'll believe bus drivers are considerate when they stop overtaking me JUST before they pull into a bus stop.
One did this to me going up Tulse Hill the other week, cut in a bit soon, and very nearly ran me into the curb. I was feeling argumentative, so I stopped and pointed out that he could have maimed me, and he had the nerve to retort that I deserved it for overtaking him 100 yards back. I wish I'd realized at the time that this could reasonably constitute intent to injure.
• #15
it annoyed me when they did that, how is that any better when a slight move can result in the death of a cyclist due to an aggressive driver who think the 'eye for an eye' approach work with vehicle and bike? he's nice and safe in his big red toy bus, clearly a cyclist could easily maimed him when overtaken(!).
• #16
I'll believe bus drivers are considerate when they stop overtaking me JUST before they pull into a bus stop.
I HATE that, thankfully not all of them do it. I've had some beep me to warn me of cars too and one even slowed down overtaking me to tell me me light had fallen off 50 yards previously.
• #17
funny you should say that, i got beeped at yesterday.
Hippy and I were riding two abreast on a quiet road on our way to Ipswich yesterday and got beeped at twice in about 5 minutes. The first time by some dick in a people carrier because we held him up for about 3 seconds. The second time by some twat on a motorbike who while looking at us while he beeped as he rode past nearly had a head on with a car. All this and he turned right anyway no less than 100yds up the road. Prick.
Probably only did it as he was with a bunch of other riders and wanted to look 'cool'. Wanker.
• #18
I just smile, wave and shout "thank you" when that kind of tedious crap happens, it confuses them.
• #19
One did this to me going up Tulse Hill the other week, cut in a bit soon, and very nearly ran me into the curb. I was feeling argumentative, so I stopped and pointed out that he could have maimed me, and he had the nerve to retort that I deserved it for overtaking him 100 yards back. I wish I'd realized at the time that this could reasonably constitute intent to injure.
My general approach is to have a friendly conversation with the driver. Point out the mistake you think they made and if they are reasonable and appologetic then then maybe I'll let them go (sometimes it happens!). If the driver is unreasonable or refuses to communicate simply suggest that you'd like to make a complaint and you'd like their details (driver number specifically).
Then, when you get near a phone (ideally the same day) and you have a few minutes to go through all the details, call TFL complaints on 020 722 5600 and explain to them details of the incident. They will ask you for:
- Date/Time of incident
- Location
- License plate of the bus
- Route number (and direction of travel)
- Bus driver number. This is on a card around A4 size. Either in in the front window or next to the front passenger door.
- A general description of the driver.
Re-enforce how life threatening the incident was - make sure they write it down on the form they will fill in. If the driver refused to co-operate with your reasonable request earlier, make sure this is also clear in the details.
From what I understand the bus companies take these sorts of things reasonably seriously.
- Date/Time of incident
• #20
i thought this was a thread about bad smells on buses. ...
• #21
I just headbutt the bus back to where it came from..
• #22
^^ well a bit. That's why we ride bikes.
• #23
i thought this was a thread about bad smells on buses. ...
i'd gone down a different path
• #24
music by quincy jones? lol.
• #25
Just now one of those tiny buses waved me past down in Peckham - one of those sides roads with bumps every 10 meters - so he knew I'd be whizzing off. Just shows there are considerate bus drivers...
I have noticed over the last few weeks there seems to be a trend developing of buses giving you a little toot on their horns just before they overtake you. I wonder if this is some new policy by the bus companies or something thats done on mainland europe as there seems to be more and more eastern european bus drivers. Like the using the left hand lane to turn right thing that you see a lot, this move is legal in Germany I seem to remember?