One did this to me going up Tulse Hill the other week, cut in a bit soon, and very nearly ran me into the curb. I was feeling argumentative, so I stopped and pointed out that he could have maimed me, and he had the nerve to retort that I deserved it for overtaking him 100 yards back. I wish I'd realized at the time that this could reasonably constitute intent to injure.
My general approach is to have a friendly conversation with the driver. Point out the mistake you think they made and if they are reasonable and appologetic then then maybe I'll let them go (sometimes it happens!). If the driver is unreasonable or refuses to communicate simply suggest that you'd like to make a complaint and you'd like their details (driver number specifically).
Then, when you get near a phone (ideally the same day) and you have a few minutes to go through all the details, call TFL complaints on 020 722 5600 and explain to them details of the incident. They will ask you for:
Date/Time of incident
License plate of the bus
Route number (and direction of travel)
Bus driver number. This is on a card around A4 size. Either in in the front window or next to the front passenger door.
A general description of the driver.
Re-enforce how life threatening the incident was - make sure they write it down on the form they will fill in. If the driver refused to co-operate with your reasonable request earlier, make sure this is also clear in the details.
From what I understand the bus companies take these sorts of things reasonably seriously.
My general approach is to have a friendly conversation with the driver. Point out the mistake you think they made and if they are reasonable and appologetic then then maybe I'll let them go (sometimes it happens!). If the driver is unreasonable or refuses to communicate simply suggest that you'd like to make a complaint and you'd like their details (driver number specifically).
Then, when you get near a phone (ideally the same day) and you have a few minutes to go through all the details, call TFL complaints on 020 722 5600 and explain to them details of the incident. They will ask you for:
Re-enforce how life threatening the incident was - make sure they write it down on the form they will fill in. If the driver refused to co-operate with your reasonable request earlier, make sure this is also clear in the details.
From what I understand the bus companies take these sorts of things reasonably seriously.