Across the road me is one of those blue and yellow VW Beetle twatmobiles. Ludlow Thompson, apparently. And it's not just a VW Beetle, it's a "property response vehicle"
How's that work? "Cripes Penfold, there's a property, let's respond!"
Do they even realise what cunts people think they are? Sadly I've got nothing to deface it with other than maybe shitting on the bonnet and I've not got the guts for that.
Across the road me is one of those blue and yellow VW Beetle twatmobiles. Ludlow Thompson, apparently. And it's not just a VW Beetle, it's a "property response vehicle"
How's that work? "Cripes Penfold, there's a property, let's respond!"
Do they even realise what cunts people think they are? Sadly I've got nothing to deface it with other than maybe shitting on the bonnet and I've not got the guts for that.