Just barking mad, offensive and wrong. I am willing to bet that the number of people that regularly cycle in the so-called Thirld World, developing nations or the South, depending on what you want to call it, outnumbers those of N America and Europe by a factor of 10, if not 100. If they don't cycle here, it's because of OUR (Londoner's) cultural and economic mores, not the other way around.
Nail - On - Head!
Im south asian (born here though), but Ive spent time back in "old country" and also know alot of first generation immigrants from a few different parts of the world.
Almost everyone who can afford one has depends on Bicycles for transport, and those who middle class might upgrade to a motorbike eventually because of it being so much more practical with the conditions & distances.
But percentage-to-populationwise the amount of people who ride bikes in these such countries in on a whole different scale.
Its probably more similar to the amount of people who depend on cars in the USA. The roads are shared between bicycles, motorbikes, various public transports vehicles & a select few officials in land cruisers.
The Cities are immenseley packed, with huge amounts of traffic. Yet there has never been any attempt to control congestion. Instead people use common sense & courtesy to keep it all flowing fast. And it works.
Over here, any immigrant from the Asian countries I am familiar with. Would think it obsurd to travel by any means other than a Car. As for them it seems that bicycles are almost not allowed on British roads, and it is not the British way. Being in any vehicle apart from a car would be dangerous and frowned upon etc etc.
Nail - On - Head!
Im south asian (born here though), but Ive spent time back in "old country" and also know alot of first generation immigrants from a few different parts of the world.
Almost everyone who can afford one has depends on Bicycles for transport, and those who middle class might upgrade to a motorbike eventually because of it being so much more practical with the conditions & distances.
But percentage-to-populationwise the amount of people who ride bikes in these such countries in on a whole different scale.
Its probably more similar to the amount of people who depend on cars in the USA. The roads are shared between bicycles, motorbikes, various public transports vehicles & a select few officials in land cruisers.
The Cities are immenseley packed, with huge amounts of traffic. Yet there has never been any attempt to control congestion. Instead people use common sense & courtesy to keep it all flowing fast. And it works.
Over here, any immigrant from the Asian countries I am familiar with. Would think it obsurd to travel by any means other than a Car. As for them it seems that bicycles are almost not allowed on British roads, and it is not the British way. Being in any vehicle apart from a car would be dangerous and frowned upon etc etc.