Tomorrow is the day! Newbies unite! Metcheck says there might be a tiny bit of rain, but nothing serious.
Not sure what's up with the courts on weekends, but this one seems like it'd be our best bet to try first (on corner of Ufton/Downham Roads in de Beauvoir). Some of us have our numbers on the phone number thread, so maybe take one or two just in case you show and no one is there.
Gabes, Otters, and I will be making some mallets in the morning then hopefully grabbing some more.
Tomorrow is the day! Newbies unite! Metcheck says there might be a tiny bit of rain, but nothing serious.
Not sure what's up with the courts on weekends, but this one seems like it'd be our best bet to try first (on corner of Ufton/Downham Roads in de Beauvoir). Some of us have our numbers on the phone number thread, so maybe take one or two just in case you show and no one is there.
Gabes, Otters, and I will be making some mallets in the morning then hopefully grabbing some more.
Meet at 2:00?,-0.083594&spn=0.000986,0.002779&z=19