• #2
What are they - field or street hockey?
• #3
field hockey
• #4
I'll take one then please.
• #5
ok, are there any drinks which you habit or polo on sunday
• #6
I'm an Eastie drinker. Away this weekend so can't make polo.
Either meet you somewhere in town, or CM next Friday?
• #7
Either meet you somewhere in town, or CM next Friday?
Working all next week, so CM on Friday sounds good -
• #8
i'll take one too ;)
• #9
i'll take one too ;)
OK - see you sunday
• #10
Balls are supposed to be a free community item! I gave a bunch to whoever wanted them when we started playing... The more balls there are around the less chances of being stuck on a court without one..
• #11
I plan to buy one, if there are no more aviable, where did you got them?
I will be away for two weeks, so for when I came back.
"You have the team, you have the mallets, now get the balls!"
As the title says
Polo Balls Available - £2 each
EDIT: Now 2 in stock
PM or write here