VV, advise you to show a lil' respect for your elders / betters. Bill is incredibly well respected here and on moving target, not only for his opinions but for his organisation and involvement in many positive activites that further the best interests of both professional and amauter cyclists on the roads of London.
You can advise more all that you want, but he is not my elder, and when he is my better is a matter of opinion that neither concerns or is relevant to me.
Anyone doing anything to make people more aware of road safety is cool by me, but my opinions on cycle safety are as valid as the next mans, and too my mind many cycle safety campaigns have become zealot like in their nature, whereby they started off wanting to improve the world, but have now become so blinkered hat everything that doesnt fit in with their idea of how road safety shoul be is deemed to be discardable and attackable, resulting in alienating cyclists further from other road users and doing more harm than good.
I respect BB for his achievements, but his standing is no reason for him to dismiss my opinions and views i a holier than thow manner, and my experience in everything i have ever done is that educating rather than lecturing people is the way forward.
You can advise more all that you want, but he is not my elder, and when he is my better is a matter of opinion that neither concerns or is relevant to me.
Anyone doing anything to make people more aware of road safety is cool by me, but my opinions on cycle safety are as valid as the next mans, and too my mind many cycle safety campaigns have become zealot like in their nature, whereby they started off wanting to improve the world, but have now become so blinkered hat everything that doesnt fit in with their idea of how road safety shoul be is deemed to be discardable and attackable, resulting in alienating cyclists further from other road users and doing more harm than good.
I respect BB for his achievements, but his standing is no reason for him to dismiss my opinions and views i a holier than thow manner, and my experience in everything i have ever done is that educating rather than lecturing people is the way forward.