not saying you are..... if anyone is working to distribute it evenly in our times it's you.:)
My views are well documented with relation to how I view my own life and I've never claimed to be anything other than that which I loathe. Humans are by our very nature self-serving cunts. It's true that I use "offensive" language as a standard greeting, guess what, this is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of the fact that I do not like people. No matter whether I like particular examples of or genus, for example I class you as an acquaintance whom benefits my experience of life, I still despise what we are.
Let me take an example;
*YOU spend to much of your time cussing people who you are like so so much cooler than. They don't know about your status Darling!
I cuss all people and make no exceptions for how cool someone is. I am no better than anyone else nor is anyone else better than me. We are all equally shit.
*YOU think the public should stop riding fixed so you can be part of a minority again.... your so old skool you taught Sheldon Brown about fixing, right?
I think everyone should be allowed to do what the fuck they want, provided it is not harmful to others. Why the fuck would I care what anyone else chooses to do? Their life is no reflection on me. I do what I want to do with my life. If it's popular then fair enough, if it's not I'm equally fine with that. I am not a product of those people similar to myself.
*YOU think other men will wanna suck you off cos of your bike.... you don't talk to women cost they can relate to your bike or understand the significance of your spoke cards.
Fantastic. Well done. Whether this was for comedy purposes or not it instills further the bigoted narrowmindedness for which humans are famous. That is, it's thinly veiled prejudice, dressed up in stereotype. I don't see biological sex and/or gender as an issue. We're all the same species. Is anyone genuinely retarded enough to not talk to people of a different biological sex or gender because of their own narrow minded strereotypes. It's still prejudice, think of an equivelent, would you not talk to someone because they where bornin a different country, county, town. Where should we draw the line with this bollocks? Have I missed some life lesson somewhere? Should I only be talking to people who have a common interest to mine? Am I allowed to talk to people if they're wearing trainers from a different company or if their t-shirt is a different cut to mine? Are v-neck wearers not allowed to talk to people wearing polo shirts? Where the fuck was my memo when all of this happened? I feel left out.
*YOU like big cocks in your arse.
For the record I fuck men. This entitles me to legitimately rip the shit out of gay people [and I do] but why should riding fixed make me more or less gay. Has anyone informed the readershipof gaydar or the pride goers of the world? Last time I checked the only bearing on whether someone was homosexual / heterosexual / bisexual / abstinant was who they had sex with. Am I missing something else?
With demonstrations of homosapien personality like this it's no wonder than I feel a loathing to what we are. There is no grandeur to my perception of us (again I iterate that I include myself and everyone I love in this). We are all dispicable and each time someone comes out with shit like this OP I die a little more inside. It's no wonder that we kill each other for perceptions of how life should be. We can't even learn to not fight within our own little tribes. We are animals and the sooner people realise that we're not so dfifferent from the flesh you eat the better.
My views are well documented with relation to how I view my own life and I've never claimed to be anything other than that which I loathe. Humans are by our very nature self-serving cunts. It's true that I use "offensive" language as a standard greeting, guess what, this is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of the fact that I do not like people. No matter whether I like particular examples of or genus, for example I class you as an acquaintance whom benefits my experience of life, I still despise what we are.
Let me take an example;
I cuss all people and make no exceptions for how cool someone is. I am no better than anyone else nor is anyone else better than me. We are all equally shit.
For the record I fuck men. This entitles me to legitimately rip the shit out of gay people [and I do] but why should riding fixed make me more or less gay. Has anyone informed the readershipof gaydar or the pride goers of the world? Last time I checked the only bearing on whether someone was homosexual / heterosexual / bisexual / abstinant was who they had sex with. Am I missing something else?
With demonstrations of homosapien personality like this it's no wonder than I feel a loathing to what we are. There is no grandeur to my perception of us (again I iterate that I include myself and everyone I love in this). We are all dispicable and each time someone comes out with shit like this OP I die a little more inside. It's no wonder that we kill each other for perceptions of how life should be. We can't even learn to not fight within our own little tribes. We are animals and the sooner people realise that we're not so dfifferent from the flesh you eat the better.