I've been thinking a bit more on this - an unwatchable film for me - seriously, ten minutes of drop-jawed incredulity was all I could take - was a film on the TV a few months ago called "Rodger the Dodger". I couldn't understand how it got okayish "this is an indie film with sharp dialogue" kind of reviews when it came out. It's so awful I can't even begin to tell you. Anyone seen it and have a different opinion of it?
I've been thinking a bit more on this - an unwatchable film for me - seriously, ten minutes of drop-jawed incredulity was all I could take - was a film on the TV a few months ago called "Rodger the Dodger". I couldn't understand how it got okayish "this is an indie film with sharp dialogue" kind of reviews when it came out. It's so awful I can't even begin to tell you. Anyone seen it and have a different opinion of it?