I had this shit as a teenager, getting stopped and searched for "drugs" before I'd ever even seen a real spliff.
absolute cunts, and I won't take kindly if any of the little shits try that with me now, 20 odd years later, they better be prepared for a black eye or two
*I had this shit as a teenager, getting stopped and searched for "drugs" before I'd ever even seen a real spliff.
I am guessing they are a little better than 20 years ago (maybe I am being naive?) - my friend and one other bloke (who I don't know) were dragged out of a pub off Carnaby Street, accused of smoking weed, when they found nothing on them, they where taken around the corner to a fire escape and kicked around a bit, no broken bones or anything dramatic, just bruises (mainly over my friend's legs).
I also had a friend punched in the side of the head for resisting arrest, the police man basically fell over onto him when he tried to grab him from out of nowhere and went a little mad after that with what I would guess would be hurt pride at his clumsy attempt to grab my friend.
In the first case they had been smoking, in the second he had not been smoking (not has he ever as far as I know).
But that was all years back and I do hear much less of the arbitrary violence and more just hassling and harassment without the fists, truncheons and feet - which category I would put the OP into, I actually this this a massive improvement over what used to happen. Of course it would be nice if the police could treat people with a little more respect and flexibility (and many do) but this is all much much better than a battering down a side street.
I reckon if on the second meeting with them you both just stopped they would have just fucked around with you for 10 minutes, done some checks and gone on their way, I reckon the handcuffs and fine were because you tried to leg it. But like I say, it's hard to say how these things often go ?
*I had this shit as a teenager, getting stopped and searched for "drugs" before I'd ever even seen a real spliff.
I am guessing they are a little better than 20 years ago (maybe I am being naive?) - my friend and one other bloke (who I don't know) were dragged out of a pub off Carnaby Street, accused of smoking weed, when they found nothing on them, they where taken around the corner to a fire escape and kicked around a bit, no broken bones or anything dramatic, just bruises (mainly over my friend's legs).
I also had a friend punched in the side of the head for resisting arrest, the police man basically fell over onto him when he tried to grab him from out of nowhere and went a little mad after that with what I would guess would be hurt pride at his clumsy attempt to grab my friend.
In the first case they had been smoking, in the second he had not been smoking (not has he ever as far as I know).
But that was all years back and I do hear much less of the arbitrary violence and more just hassling and harassment without the fists, truncheons and feet - which category I would put the OP into, I actually this this a massive improvement over what used to happen. Of course it would be nice if the police could treat people with a little more respect and flexibility (and many do) but this is all much much better than a battering down a side street.
I reckon if on the second meeting with them you both just stopped they would have just fucked around with you for 10 minutes, done some checks and gone on their way, I reckon the handcuffs and fine were because you tried to leg it. But like I say, it's hard to say how these things often go ?