I have bought parts for a wheelbuild first, with my rear hub being 120mm spaced.
I am now on the hunt for a frame.
I have found something pretty nice, but it has 130mm spacing. My hub axle is pretty long and I do have a bunch of washers. But I was wondering, if I run a 120mm intended hub in a 130mm intended frame. Will it give me grief with chainline?
As I can understand, that it would cause the cog to be 5mm more inward than intended.
I have started to get together a new bike.
I have bought parts for a wheelbuild first, with my rear hub being 120mm spaced.
I am now on the hunt for a frame.
I have found something pretty nice, but it has 130mm spacing. My hub axle is pretty long and I do have a bunch of washers. But I was wondering, if I run a 120mm intended hub in a 130mm intended frame. Will it give me grief with chainline?
As I can understand, that it would cause the cog to be 5mm more inward than intended.