I prefer "I Am Become Death". I'd be happy to go into business with someone to produce them for spokes ie part finance them...I love that one and it's London.
I don't think Jesus was a cock. Enough of his teachings have survived as good rules for not being a cock - don't let's get it confused with the appropriation of it by patricarchal tossers through the ages for their own gain. It happened 2000 years ago to convict him, it happens now to convince Americans to vote for Bush as a Christian President.
The Good Samaritan Parable is a particularly skillful piece of story telling. If anything it shows that it makes no difference that we live in larger and larger groupings, increasingly divorced from the nuts and bolts of survival - we have always been cunts, basically - walking past someone in need is not a London 2008 thing at all. The relevance of the Samaritan in the story is complex and lends a deeper aspect. Jesus was speaking to Jews, and a far simpler rendering of the lesson - basically, "don't be a cunt and walk past someone in need" - could have been told just with jewish characters. But it's cleverer in the form that exists. Jews looked down on Samaritans as the scummy end of the social spectrum. The parable when told in context would have been received like a bad joke, as it inverts the expectation of the Samaritan's response and makes the self-satisfied guy listening realise maybe he isn't so helpful to his fellow man as he could be. Bit like all of us self-satisfied cunts in London, walking past and giving ourselves reasons for not getting involved, then we feel bad when someone far less suited to getting involved unthinkingly wades in.
On a personal note my favourite bit is when the Samaritan assures the innkeeper he'll settle up bills for whatever's incurred. Generous and slick with it.
I prefer "I Am Become Death". I'd be happy to go into business with someone to produce them for spokes ie part finance them...I love that one and it's London.
I don't think Jesus was a cock. Enough of his teachings have survived as good rules for not being a cock - don't let's get it confused with the appropriation of it by patricarchal tossers through the ages for their own gain. It happened 2000 years ago to convict him, it happens now to convince Americans to vote for Bush as a Christian President.
The Good Samaritan Parable is a particularly skillful piece of story telling. If anything it shows that it makes no difference that we live in larger and larger groupings, increasingly divorced from the nuts and bolts of survival - we have always been cunts, basically - walking past someone in need is not a London 2008 thing at all. The relevance of the Samaritan in the story is complex and lends a deeper aspect. Jesus was speaking to Jews, and a far simpler rendering of the lesson - basically, "don't be a cunt and walk past someone in need" - could have been told just with jewish characters. But it's cleverer in the form that exists. Jews looked down on Samaritans as the scummy end of the social spectrum. The parable when told in context would have been received like a bad joke, as it inverts the expectation of the Samaritan's response and makes the self-satisfied guy listening realise maybe he isn't so helpful to his fellow man as he could be. Bit like all of us self-satisfied cunts in London, walking past and giving ourselves reasons for not getting involved, then we feel bad when someone far less suited to getting involved unthinkingly wades in.
On a personal note my favourite bit is when the Samaritan assures the innkeeper he'll settle up bills for whatever's incurred. Generous and slick with it.
I have no religious persuasion, btw.