ya. my money is on alot of them already having the existing iphone. oh steve jobs you trully are a genius. you release a lesser being into the wild only to upgrade 6 months later. whats that mr jobs you will NOT be releasing another update just before christmas. mmmm i wonder if your telling the truth you money grubbing arsehole with no actual talant other than the ability to steel others ideas and put a pretty little apple on them.
ya. my money is on alot of them already having the existing iphone. oh steve jobs you trully are a genius. you release a lesser being into the wild only to upgrade 6 months later. whats that mr jobs you will NOT be releasing another update just before christmas. mmmm i wonder if your telling the truth you money grubbing arsehole with no actual talant other than the ability to steel others ideas and put a pretty little apple on them.