I had a nasty accident a few years ago when a cab turned right across me and I hit hard. I got knocked out, had temporary amnesia (still can't remember a few hours either side of the accident), a broken nose, around 10 stitches in my chin and generally looked like I'd a rough night out in Glasgow. I used Bikeline, who specialise in bike and motorbike claims, to press for damages. It took about a year and required about £500 upfront for insurance in case I lost (although they don't charge a fee if you lose, you are liable for court costs, doctor's bills etc), but I ended up getting quite a bit of cash in the end. As with all conditional fee agreements, their fees get paid by the other side if you win, rather than coming out of your compensation.
I don't have any connection with them other than as a satisfied customer. They are based in Cheshire so did everything by email, phone and post. They took care of all the arrangements and i just had to show up to a doctor or fill out forms whenever they came through. Send me a PM if you want more info.
Bad luck dude - the injuries always hurt!
I had a nasty accident a few years ago when a cab turned right across me and I hit hard. I got knocked out, had temporary amnesia (still can't remember a few hours either side of the accident), a broken nose, around 10 stitches in my chin and generally looked like I'd a rough night out in Glasgow. I used Bikeline, who specialise in bike and motorbike claims, to press for damages. It took about a year and required about £500 upfront for insurance in case I lost (although they don't charge a fee if you lose, you are liable for court costs, doctor's bills etc), but I ended up getting quite a bit of cash in the end. As with all conditional fee agreements, their fees get paid by the other side if you win, rather than coming out of your compensation.
I don't have any connection with them other than as a satisfied customer. They are based in Cheshire so did everything by email, phone and post. They took care of all the arrangements and i just had to show up to a doctor or fill out forms whenever they came through. Send me a PM if you want more info.