run a 42 ring a the moment, going to go up a few notches. was thinking 44 but now after looking, tempted by 46 or 48,
i know the advantage of wear and i think 46 might give me a good rideable gear with my track cogs available but what do you reckon looks best? on a large frame...
would rather run laster longer bigger gears on the back too
what ya reckon?
run a 42 ring a the moment, going to go up a few notches. was thinking 44 but now after looking, tempted by 46 or 48,
i know the advantage of wear and i think 46 might give me a good rideable gear with my track cogs available but what do you reckon looks best? on a large frame...
would rather run laster longer bigger gears on the back too
hmm. yes. i am that bored.