• #1177
sorry, photospamming
time to pass out
• #1178
bingo caller "all the fiddies, ride safe"
• #1179
Daft daft daft.... that's it.. night
EDIT: Ok.. and i love you all... there, i've said it
• #1180
• #1181
• #1182
50 14 is the man....481516 is the amount of times he's fallen off
• #1183
Nah sorry guys didn't announce it - fiddy texted me while we were at pub to say he got home in one piece, and with frame intact.
Proving a frame can be carried though the city strapped to your back - even if it's tied loosely by one dropout. HTFU people.
Fiddy lives!!!
• #1184
• #1185
holy sardines, i forgot about the southside st ketchup's day massacre.
• #1186
St. Jonny's day Massacre
• #1187
another good turn out, despite Corny rushing off to his Celine Dion concert.
some dark stuff coming from PJ and I laughed so much I proper boo'ed -
• #1188
I thought for a moment that I'd been hit driveby style by the Acre Lane Mandems but no, it was simply pressurised condiment all over me.
Lovely evening last night everyone, Phil I might take you up on the East drinks.. need to check it out
• #1189
Sounds like a great night, curses!!! I was in bed by 10, way too much beer on Sunday... Catch ya next time, or central tonight?
• #1190
Let me/jonny know if you are heading in for beers before i head off to brixton with a brake lever :)
You missed a goodun last night :P
• #1191
Bobob, you were texting random stream of conciousness from the kebab shop last night. I'll swing by your work later and maybe even (gasp) drop into central beers if I'm not needed for brake conveyance.
Oh and Markyboy, good to meet you. I'll pm you that stuff in a minute.
• #1192
Always a pleasant Monday evening, thank you all and welcome Markyboy.
• #1193
Bobob, you were texting random stream of conciousness from the kebab shop last night.
Really? Oh dear.....
goes to check sent messages....
• #1194
Corny left early to see Celine Dion?
• #1195
I'm missing these drinks
• #1196
I think it was actually Eryka Badu, or "some rave act" as Bobob called her.
Anyway, back to Celine
YouTube - Celine Dion - 'Power of Love'
• #1197
Gabes, that dog is cute as! Toying with getting one of them, a Hungarian Viszla, a boxer or a black lab.
• #1198
Gabes, that dog is cute as! Toying with getting one of them, a Hungarian Viszla, a boxer or a black lab.
Get the Weimaraner. My parents have had them for years. They are beautiful, very intelligent and gentle. They do need loads of walking though or a huge back yard.
• #1199
Good to meet you all, I'll try to put in an earlier appearance next time - although the consequence of that will be a more precarious ride home (which, by the way, I did remember and find...).
• #1200
Was sorry to miss it last night - the work is piling up so I may be absent for a few weeks...:-(
Hopefully there will be some burgers left when I eventually return!
Man with bike strapped to back goes to bingo and kills 5,014 people,
Steve (bingo caller) at mecca says 'All i did was call out fiddy 8, fiddy 2, and fiddy 5'
eye wittness (name hidden for safety) says 'the guy was like a man sized blender, cutting everything in his path'