• #27
bit busy today...but if you want to email him...
i think you can reach him at: -
• #28
That email address bounced shinscar. Are you sure you typed it right?
• #29
.org... give that a go?
• #30
• #31
the hits on the scooter gear london forum just went through the roof apparently there was a scuffage at some lights linky:
dark times
You sent the wrong link you silly.....
www.scootergearlond.co.uk/Save-our-Roads/2 foreigners spotted in Battersea this morning -
• #32
This morning feeling full energy after a good night at the south drinks and also a bit rebellious after being told "that the forum needed a mum" and I that I fitted the job ;) that I decide to tell a scooter that the ASL is for cyclists not scooters. And she retorted "EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! WHOSE COUNTRY IS THIS!!!" and she left at the lights.
I doubt she will be sharing this story with her colleagues this morning unless she works at the BNP...I once got yelled at by a chav on a bus who told me to go back to "[my] own country and speak Chinese". I told him (in perfect English... well, as perfect as an American accent can be, as you Brits would say) that I pay more money in taxes than he earns in a year. This may not be my country but I still contribute a helluva lot to the creation and upkeep of ASLs, so ASL-violating motorcyles and cars can kiss my a$$.
• #33
Before the woman shouted about her country she kept saying "I live!", "I live!". Which was a bit disappointing as I thought I had met my first zombie.
But I think she may have been telling me to leave. I'll ask her tomorrow. -
• #34
ASLs dont work. FAIL
If no one abides by the laws of the road it makes, the roads a dangerous place. I say dont be silly keep yourself safe and if it means running alittle further past some traffic lights, sitting in the middle of the road, taking a wider line on corners... so be it. -
• #35
The weird thing is, i've been told to "fuck off back to my own country" before, by a van, but I am white, and english. (and this happened in London)
I was ready to hurl a torrent of abuse back at him (he'd been creeping up into the ASL to the point of hitting my back wheel at a red light, fucking cunt), but that kind of took the wind out of my sails slightly and I just stared at him with a perplexed expression.
• #36
Maybe he was black and just thought he'd 'see how you like it!'?
• #37
No he was as white as his van. It's probably just his default riposte to anything that aggravates him, if anything.
Or it was the beret, striped jersey, moustache, clove of garlic, baguette, and enormous french flag I happened to have that threw him off - we'll never know.
• #38
I normally take out my d-lock upon approaching cars in the ASL, and smash every window with it on the way past. That usually does the trick
• #39
I had a police car roll in to the ASL beside me the other day to tell me that he thought I was riding too far wide in the road and was compromising my own safety. Oh the irony
• #40
No he was as white as his van. It's probably just his default riposte to anything that aggravates him, if anything.
Or it was the beret, striped jersey, moustache, clove of garlic, baguette, and enormous french flag I happened to have that threw him off - we'll never know.
asm, we should cycle together! I wear a cancan dress and usually snack on frog legs (or snails when in season) at traffic lights.
• #41
Maybe he was black and just thought he'd 'see how you like it!'?
• #42
This morning feeling full energy after a good night at the south drinks and also a bit rebellious after being told "that the forum needed a mum" and I that I fitted the job ;) that I decide to tell a scooter that the ASL is for cyclists not scooters. And she retorted "EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! WHOSE COUNTRY IS THIS!!!" and she left at the lights.
I doubt she will be sharing this story with her colleagues this morning unless she works at the BNP...That is TOO funny
• #43
So she owns the country? I did wonder.
VeeVee: I think you just met the Queen. Most of us will never meet her. -
• #44
This morning feeling full energy after a good night at the south drinks and also a bit rebellious after being told "that the forum needed a mum" and I that I fitted the job ;) that I decide to tell a scooter that the ASL is for cyclists not scooters. And she retorted "EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! WHOSE COUNTRY IS THIS!!!" and she left at the lights.
I doubt she will be sharing this story with her colleagues this morning unless she works at the BNP...What's your nationality? (to get the full degree of her racist outburst).
• #45
ASLs dont work. FAIL
If no one abides by the laws of the road it makes, the roads a dangerous place. I say dont be silly keep yourself safe and if it means running alittle further past some traffic lights, sitting in the middle of the road, taking a wider line on corners... so be it.it need to be stricter, any motorist caught on the ASLs will get on-the-spot fine of £50, or even £100.
how does that sound? methinks it sound rather reasonable and not quite hard to implended.
• #46
Otherwise I also quite like this option. Maybe get a massive gold star to stick on their windscreen that says 1st place in the queue
• #47
The weird thing is, i've been told to "fuck off back to my own country" before, by a van, but I am white, and english. (and this happened in London)
You met a racist talking van?!??
Sounds like childrens BBC for adults -
• #48
Van exhausts are paintstakingly tuned to spurt random racist outbursts.
• #49
What's your nationality? (to get the full degree of her racist outburst).
I am French, white and a strong accent and I've lived here for 19 years. My Dad would have loved that story, he was English (and he hated scooters). So yes I'm also half English and I even paid the £$% poll tax back in the days.
• #50
I looked for a thread but couldn't find one, so please delete if this is already covered
Right, those fucking advance stopping zones, what a waste of space. They are not a bad idea in principal (let cyclists get to the front and allow us to get in position to turn right etc).But I reckon I can count on one hand the number of time I've actually seen a driver pay attention to them. EVERY time I pull up to one, there's some cunt in an addison lee car, or a white van, or a bus, or even a fucking police car, pulled up right in the middle of the green paint.
Added to that, the fact that the one place they tell you to enter them (via the little lead in bit by the side of the kerb) is also THE ONE PLACE they advertise that we're all going to get killed by left turning trucks.
Seriously, I think we should start a campaign to either police them properly (fine drivers for entering them) or get rid of the fuckers. As this half effort at the moment is frankly dangerous
sorry, had to get that off my chest