I made a bit of an error - got new cranks last week and got a 45th chainring instead of the 46th chainring, as that was all they had.
I checked that the gear inches would be ok as being a real geek, I had a chart in my bag so I could work it out.
The problem is that I didn't check how many skid spots I would get. And its only 2.
How much of a problem is this? If I change the rear cog it'll make the gearing too hard, so I'd need a new chainring and a new cog to sort this out
I made a bit of an error - got new cranks last week and got a 45th chainring instead of the 46th chainring, as that was all they had.
I checked that the gear inches would be ok as being a real geek, I had a chart in my bag so I could work it out.
The problem is that I didn't check how many skid spots I would get. And its only 2.
How much of a problem is this? If I change the rear cog it'll make the gearing too hard, so I'd need a new chainring and a new cog to sort this out