You've got quite a range there - Royal Mail all the way to PAC!
Bagjacks have this weird soft, weaved cotton material on the corners of the bags, which frays really easily.
PACs are great, but expensive. I like mine.
Manhatten Portage bags aren't really designed for riding...
+1 to the above about sweating. I sweat just as much with my PAC as I do with my Deuter bag with it's fancy airflow back 'technology'. The only way you won't get a sweaty back is with panniers.
You've got quite a range there - Royal Mail all the way to PAC!
Bagjacks have this weird soft, weaved cotton material on the corners of the bags, which frays really easily.
PACs are great, but expensive. I like mine.
Manhatten Portage bags aren't really designed for riding...
+1 to the above about sweating. I sweat just as much with my PAC as I do with my Deuter bag with it's fancy airflow back 'technology'. The only way you won't get a sweaty back is with panniers.