• #2
I'll have em.
I think these were the ones I asked Neil for months ago arn't they?
If you can hold them till I'm a little less itchy.
• #3
I don't know..are you hip enough for these?
• #4
it's baby blue.
I'll bagsy it as well, if furious tiles don't want them.
My plan for my bike is blue/white theme.
• #5
ok, baby blue they are.
furious first, then the scoble
• #6
they look a bit green to me, screens will vary, as will the convertors on his camera
• #7
it's hard for me to tell the difference, but if I had to bet, I'd say they erred on the green rather than blue. furious knows which ones they are I think as they are from the batch Neil had.
• #8
I don't know..are you hip enough for these?
I refuse to be catagorized!
• #9
it's hard for me to tell the difference.
you're not as bad as my mate, when he got a dark blue car, all he see is fucking pink and almost killed the dealer.
• #10
you would have thought he would have realised what was happening, eh
• #11
I've a pair of 'clear' ones available - brand new. £10. save the postage.
• #12
these are most certainly a baby-blue pastel colour
hipster time!
I think they are "celeste"pastel green, it's hard to tell as I'm colour blind.
they are new and appear to cost £10, so £8 to you
delivery in the south, or bring to track this weekend.