I've had a fair bit of halo mtb stuff in the past.
it's cheap, and doesn't last very long if you use it hard. (apart from some of the rims) the gear usually looks ok though.
those hubs look cheaply made, awful threads. typicallly, halo have seen the market for powdercoated track hubs and jumped in.
at £85 odd you are basically paying double for a pair of SJS/On-One/formula..et al.
I can't believe people are saying they "look nice" !
they look very badly made, the axle, tracknuts and backnuts look terrible, that real soft shit. and the threading is an insult to any sprocket.
a small price to pay for slavery I suppose, but when everyone's got coloured hubs and they appear on langster city editions, will it even be slave any more?
I've had a fair bit of halo mtb stuff in the past.
it's cheap, and doesn't last very long if you use it hard. (apart from some of the rims) the gear usually looks ok though.
those hubs look cheaply made, awful threads. typicallly, halo have seen the market for powdercoated track hubs and jumped in.
at £85 odd you are basically paying double for a pair of SJS/On-One/formula..et al.
I can't believe people are saying they "look nice" !
they look very badly made, the axle, tracknuts and backnuts look terrible, that real soft shit. and the threading is an insult to any sprocket.
a small price to pay for slavery I suppose, but when everyone's got coloured hubs and they appear on langster city editions, will it even be slave any more?