I missed this earlier. But the proper "english" would be as follows;
You're hiliarious, mate.
When stating someone is something with the word "you", as in, "you are funny", the apostrophe is used with "re" after the apostrophe. "You are" becomes "You're".
"Your" is a possessive, as in "Your dog is barking". The dog is mine, so it is "your" in this type of instance.
Good comma usage is also key to this sentence. Otherwise, it doesnt have the impact you intended.
I missed this earlier. But the proper "english" would be as follows;
You're hiliarious, mate.
When stating someone is something with the word "you", as in, "you are funny", the apostrophe is used with "re" after the apostrophe. "You are" becomes "You're".
"Your" is a possessive, as in "Your dog is barking". The dog is mine, so it is "your" in this type of instance.
Good comma usage is also key to this sentence. Otherwise, it doesnt have the impact you intended.
btw, I have a Masters degree in sarcasm...
Have yourself a great day!