• #2
the dots are hiding a lot of details dude...for example, at the point you were asleep did the lentils cause massive amounts of smoke and a few flames, aka a fire..?!
• #3
i was hoping people could make up their own stories!
the lentals caught fire and there was smoke everywhere.. was crazy!
• #4
ha ha!!!! you'll be known as the crazy foreigner now....
• #5
im certainly the most (in)famous gaijin in this part of town.
so many people came to watch, and i had no idea what anyone was saying, was like being in a foreign film :D
• #6
nice :)
• #7
certainly made my sunday evening more exciting.. its pissing with rain, so cant go riding.
put some lentals on to cook.. fell asleep.... a neighbour called the fire department... two fire trucks, an ambulence and a police car later arrived...
cue lots of people running around.
very funny.
didnt take any photos, cos, well, i thought i was in enough trouble allready!
so yeh, a word of warning, dont burn lentals in Japan