asm - I've got the coppi's off your pista, gonna give those a bast, strip them back if they look ok and run with it.
Want to keep the headset that is on, so I'm gonna have to hunt for spares to fit onto the new forks.
Dogs - not gonna drill just yet, but, the track I used to go to outside of nottingham (can't remeber what its called, went there with uni) did not care aout drilled forks aslong as you did not have your brake fitted. Not tried hearn hill yet, but I will be soon, do they care, if so I might have my answer?
asm - I've got the coppi's off your pista, gonna give those a bast, strip them back if they look ok and run with it.
Want to keep the headset that is on, so I'm gonna have to hunt for spares to fit onto the new forks.
Dogs - not gonna drill just yet, but, the track I used to go to outside of nottingham (can't remeber what its called, went there with uni) did not care aout drilled forks aslong as you did not have your brake fitted. Not tried hearn hill yet, but I will be soon, do they care, if so I might have my answer?