• #2
I'd take a risk and bend it in, but i'm lazy. There was a previous thread about this and this was also advised to avoid hassle.It's only 10mm difference and the steel on 531 (which I have#) is very flexible. Just don't paint it until finished.
• #3
The extra 10mm shouldn't be too difficult just to bend it in or just get a couple of 2mm or 3mm washers on each side to get it down to about 124ishmm
• #4
bending 10mm is too much, you might end up with the dropouts at an angle and the track nuts won't sit properly.
use about 2mm of spacers either side and bend about 5mm.
• #5
A lot of more experienced aficianados than me say that 531 was the best steel ever for frames. And I must say that having tried alu, alu/carbon, carbon and 531, the last is by far the most comfortable and forgiving. Just be sure you have really high pressure in your tyres.
• #6
reynolds are going to make a new tubing called 5014
I hear it'll be very expensive
• #7
It stands for revolutions per minute.
• #8
you're well weird
• #9
I rang up a few shops today and a few have a System X hub that they can make fit. I'm guessing they are going to put some spacers in it?
Found another hib which comes with spacers, from SJS.
Which hub is better. The SJS one i like better because it is fixed/fixed so i can put a smaller cog on the other side for TTing.
Thanks for the help! -
• #10
@ RPM & 50/14: ^^^ Hilarious! :D
Hello, i'm Joe and i live in Nottingham.
I have been given an old 531 frame buy a guy in the cycle club i'm in and i'm turning it to fix. The thing i need to ask is, with the 130mm space rear triangle, could i put in a slightly smaller hub, i'm having trouble finding a decent and not too expensive 130mm spaced hub. Some people have said i need to get it respaced to put a smaller hub in, another guy has said i could just put spacers in to fill the gap and bolt it as normal.
So what do you reckon?
Not sure what frame it is, it got re-painted and just had Negre put on it, paints been stripped off and is being painted by a mate. Going to be a nice shiny yellow.